Paul ’10 and Diamond ’15 Haymon
As Berkeley undergrads, Paul and Diamond Haymon learned firsthand about the importance of private gifts to campus. They met while working at the Cal Calling Center, where they reached out to alums and parents in order to solicit support for the university.

“Alums can have a huge effect on current students by giving,” says Paul. “As student callers, we showed our commitment to Cal by fundraising. And now that we’re alums, we continue to show that commitment by donating.”
The couple’s generosity over the past five years has been aimed primarily at promoting scholarships. “Both of us came from low socioeconomic backgrounds,” Paul says, “and without the generosity of donors to scholarships, we would have had more debt and fewer opportunities.”
Diamond adds, “We want to make attending Cal more affordable and make opportunities such as studying abroad more feasible for students who come from backgrounds similar to ours.”